My cure for the MAN cold, hot toddy, couple of squirts of oil of oregano, vitamin C and garlic. -
I'm heavily learning towards the hot toddy or a few of them........
Most of you who follow my blog know I have caught the MAN COLD. Yup it's full blown man cold leaving me with a 1,000 pound nose and foggy head. Last night I tried one hot toddy and tonight I think I might have two. According to Motorcycle Man I was annoying him all night long because I was snoring. I know I was snoring, my nose feels like someone has stuffed two socks up each nostril and wanted to see how funny I sound when I am sleeping. My theory of the hot toddy is that it was an old time cure because heck they didn't have anything else and if you had a couple of these babies you really didn't give a rip that your head felt like it was going to explode off your shoulders. So my question is WHERE THE HELL IS PAM?!!!! She seems to be catering to everyone else's man cold, but not my (wo)man cold.
A girl has to have a sense of humor about all of this.........
#29in29 Picture blog challenge
So sorry to hear about your (wo)man cold. Tough luck, if two hot toddies isn't enough, try three... it won't make you better but you won't care any more ;-)
Keep up your humor, gal!
Bummer you caught the Man Cold.
Isn't there a Man Cave you can hide out in while you have a Man Cold and have your every whim catered to? Yeah, didn't think so......
Feel better soon.
Thank heavens you're a continent away and that my anti-virus software was upgraded recently to keep MAN COLD bugs out too. I say you KEEP IT, AND KILL IT DEAD!!! And if that means booze, you go girl!
Hope your better soon!
Agree with the others more hot toddies!
Is there such a thing as hot toddy shooters? Your followers sound like a fun (i.e., tending toward periods of drunkenness) group.
Sonja - The hot toddies weren't successful, just made me snore more, but you were right, I didn't care - lol!
Trobairitz - If I hid in the man cave they would completely forget about me! lol
David - YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET THIS BUG! I think all the antivirus precautions won't help, it sneaks in there. I dumped the hot part to the toddy and just did the rum. (only kidding)
Bluekat - Thanks! I'm still alive and kicking somewhat today.
Toadmama - I think they are just a fun group & love to experience the joie de vivre!
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