Who knows? ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS.......
Today I woke up with a fuzzy feeling head because 'the cold bug' has decided to pay me a visit. I have been diligently washing my hands, almost obsessively actually, since the start of flu season. There is one nasty influenza virus going around and it has decided to rent a room at my house and we have been dealing with it since January 20th. My kiddo came down with it and then relapsed. She required antibiotics and we have gone through 2 cycles and she is still feeling punky. Now Mr Buggio has decided that Motorcycle Man is an awesome place to live and he has a 'man cold' - think NyQuil commercial and a pathetic sniffling mass of man blob in bed pathetically calling for his wife, "Pam, Pam". I have been dubbed Pam now and I have heard my name being called from afar. I have actually been really good to Motorcycle Man, made him soup, buttered him crackers, handed him tissue, fed him Tylenol and ear thermometered him. All the while reassuring him he is not dying. Seriously when I am sick I am lucky if I get a cracker thrown at me from the doorway of the bedroom or even a snort of soup. A cold has to be bad for me to get it, because I am usually too ornery for them to survive in me. So for now I am temporarily answering to the name 'Pam' - NOT.
 So here I am diligently sitting at my desk working away & dreaming of twisties |
Off to work I went on Scarlett, it was a gloriously sunny day, one where you wished that you could keep going and go find some twisties to ride for the day. The sun was brilliant, the air was crisp and it was hard making Scarlett obey my commands. She is all too willing to go play and keeps calling me from downstairs. I introduced Miss Scarlett to my Harley & Ducati riding boss and he loved her! After work I met up with
Kiwi Deb for a little tootle on the way home. We are good riding buddies and we are like ying and yang. It is awesome riding with someone who is well trained and knows how to ride in a group setting. Hopefully we will do few more after work tootles. We took the scenic drive home by the ocean and it actually helped to clear some of the fuzzy cold feeling out of my head, so I guess there is nothing better than sea air, it cures what ails you. I am home now and tucked up for the night and think I am going to call it an early night and may even make a hot toddy to heck with
'Pam and her NyQuil'..............

Miss Scarlett and I on Dallas Road with Deb
Kiwi Deb on her wee Suzuki DR
FuzzyGalore.com #29in29 blog challenge
Yikes with everyone catching the flu bug. Hope it doesn't get you down too bad.
All your pictures are great but I love the one of you at your desk.
Trobairitz - thanks! My hubby missed work today. My head is getting heavier by the minute. Bed is calling me. I've taken vitamin c, oil of oregano, garlic and now going to have a hot toddy.
Hope y'all get better soon. Especially that bad case of a man flu. Stuff like this can keep you up all night. It is not unheard of that even women can get the 'man flu' if they have been around long enough ;-)
Another brilliant riding day... that is if it weren't partially filled with work.
Sonja - thanks! I have one phrase to say "Double hot toddy for Motorcycle Man"
Get plenty of rest and get better fast. Nice of you to drag Deb along this time
Riding the Wet Coast
Bob - thanks, I feel terrible.
The man cold is the worst cause it makes everyone in the house miserable. When I'm sick ain't nobody happy.
I love how you use the word tootle, it isn't nearly as popular down here and I had to stop using it, must be a Canadian term.
Even Basil's not happy? My doggis will lay on the bed in a furry lump to keep you company, give you a sympathetic look from time to time, so I know somebody loves me.
I know what you mean about having your head clear up when you were riding down by the ocean. It's like the riding helps open up our sinuses or something.
Hope everyone is on the mend soon!
Nothing like an after work ride to clear the head.
Fuzzy - it only worked for about 30 minutes and then it stuffed up again.
Raftnn - I love riding after work gets rid of the days stresses.
The shot of you at your desk is a nice one, especially with the helmet in the background. I hope you don't get hit too hard by the bug. And maybe your Hubby will decide to play Pam for a while.
I really hate a helmet sneeze! Stay well.
Toadmama - he has been pretty good actually, we are helping each other through this. It had hit our small little family pretty hard. I like that picture too. Not too much room in my office to store my gear. It's hanging on the only coat rack in the office and has proven to be a conversation starter many times. It is particularly cool when a fellow rider says "Nice gear, glad to see you wear it?"
Vstar Lady - I have had more than one helmet sneeze and think I may have to sterilize it before I can wear it again. YUCK! I am going to buy a new one with washable liners.
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