I have a question for you that I would like you to keep in mind as you read this post and would like to read your comments if you wish to share, "Why do you ride?"
Last week a project I was working on came to fruition. When the doc 'Why We Ride' came out last year I really wanted to see it, but alas, it wasn't available in Canada. A friend of mine in Vancouver contacted the film company and arranged a screening with a local theatre and she passed the details onto me and viola!
I tweeted, emailed, and face booked like crazy to get the word out that we were going to have 2 nights available to view the film.
It was fabulous! The film has something for everyone and it really conveys a variety of reasons why we like to ride. So much so, that if there is someone in your life who may not 'get it' you may want to show them this film. Maybe then they will understand your reasons for climbing on a two wheeled land missle and why you come home with a perma grin that lasts for hours, or why you mope during the off season (if you don't ride all year)
'Why We Ride' is a very artful beautiful collage of stories and pictures. The film gives a very good history of early motorcycling and different styles of riding from racing to street riding. The people who were interviewed for the film were diverse and interesting, their passion shone through like a beacon on a foggy night. It was very inspiring to see some of the amazing journies these folks have been on and some very inspirational stories where people overcame obstacles that would make most of us give up, but their love of riding triumphed and allowed them to adapt and continue riding.
I particularly enjoyed Gloria Struck the matriarch of Motormaids, who has been riding since 1941. Her goal is to still be riding on her 100th birthday! Wow I hope I am still twisting the throttle and enjoying life from the back of a bike when I make it to her age! Go Gloria!
As a biker, I felt very humbled by these folks and marvel at the depth of their passion for motorcycling. They spoke to my soul, and I found myself nodding several times in agreement with the sentiments they expressed. It also brought home the message it doesn't matter what you ride, Honda, Harley, BMW, dirt, street, track or off-road, we all share the same passion for the sport and camaraderie of the road. The wave has definitely taken on a new meaning for me and if you see someone on a scooter or different brand toss them a wave, because you never know what sort of spark you might ignite with their moto passion. A female rider took the time to stop and talk to me when I was a contented 50cc scooterista and she inspired me to give getting my motorcycle license a whirl and she was a big part of the reason I am riding today.
Notice the fellow in the background with his arms raised - that was his response to "How'd you like the movie?"
It was magical sitting in the theatre when the movie was finished people clapped and cheered. The most memorable event of the evening for me was when an elderly fellow came over shook my hand and hugged me and thanked me for getting the movie to Victoria. I suspect he was a rider in his younger days and he relived the passion of his youth in that 89 minutes sitting in the theatre. That was best moment of the night for me.
PS: I happen to have a wicked addiction to riding twisties. :)
Why do you ride? Yup I want to know why.
Check out http://WhyWeRide.com
*The movie is available on iTunes and Amazon for purchase.
Cool! I haven't heard of this film and must see it. Congrats on bringing it to your area.
My reasons mirror yours. Riding feels like flying through the air for me; my motorcycle disappears and every sensation is natural and pleasant.
Ally exactly! Flying! This is the closest thing I will ever do towards that. It was worth the effort! You can rent it on iTunes :)
Can you please arrange a screening over here?
Why do I ride? Well, I can't not. Riding is the perfect way to experience travel, you are exposed to everything all the sights, sounds and smells around you. Add to that the satisfaction of riding well (hopefully), nailing the perfect corner, picking the best line, the feedback you get from the road and the bike...I could go on all night...
If you would like to bring the film to a local theatre shoot an email and I can give you details of who to contact at the film company. It was really quite easy, the only time consuming part was finding a theatre that was willing to bring it in without me having to rent the theatre for the showing. If you have a university or college that has a theatre they are awesome to approach because it is a documentary.
As for your reasons for riding, I can hear the passion of love of the ride in your writing! Yes please go on all night! I love it when people tell me why they love riding.
Dar, kudos to you for getting behind bringing the film to your neighbors, making that effort. Many of our friends saw it in the theater, I borrowed the DVD and saw it at home, enjoyed it thoroughly.
Buddy Dave at one of this year's earlier rallies asked the question, "What are your 12 favorite things?"
I've quietly figured out that my list was full of things accessed, done or experienced with motorcycle involvement. Even when I'm no longer able to actually ride, I still will be.
Coop - I am sure you have many years left of riding! After the film an elderly fellow came up & gave me a hug and shook my hand and thanked me. I think his riding seasons are done, he was almost teary and it filled my heart with joy and a little sadness. I think part of being a good rider is knowing when to hang up the keys and savour the memories.
Dar, thanks for posting that. I'll rent it on iTunes.
As for why I ride, it's a little bit of a mystery. It's partly the need to focus much more on your environment to manage the risk, coupled with being immersed in the sights, sounds, and the rush of wind. But there's more. It's how you travel through the space, you ride the vectors of physical forces whereas when you drive you fight them. Like the difference between a sailboat and a motorboat.
In a car you go from A to B. On a bike you go from "eh!" to "be".
David - well said! Loved the "eh to
be". I love hearing why everyone rides, it's familiar, but different with each person. It's definitely worth renting, I enjoyed it immensely.
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