Oak Bay Marina
Nothing makes me happier after a long day at work to go home and nest with my family, particularly in the winter months. We haven't really started winter yet and we are already longing for the warm days of spring and summer. Autumn in Victoria is spectacular with all the beautiful colors of the trees lining most residential streets. Today was just another ordinary Tuesday and I was slogging it out behind the keyboard, all the while looking out the window and wishing I could play in the sunshine. Lucy as usual was calling from her basement parking spot nagging to come play and ride twisties. On the way home I decided to go the scenic route that I love to take. I never ever get tired of looking at sunsets and the beautiful Strait of Juan de Fuca. The sun was dancing off the water and I know shortly we won't be seeing her as much because old man Winter wants to grip the Pacific Northwest in his frozen grasp. Personally I could say "Buh bye" to old man winter and honestly I don't think I would miss it that much. I did 17 years worth of winters up north and that was enough to last me a lifetime. Hope you enjoy the pictures from my tootle home.

Gorgeous, Dar. Simply lovely. You are really blessed with your location.
It is so about the location, it's not hard to take pics when the vista is so picturesque.
I work in Coquitlam. I get off work after the sun sets, then it takes me an hour to get home, then another half hour to get to the water, so it's unfair that you can leave work early and tease us with your stunning sunsets
Riding the Wet Coast
Sorry I am causing you sunset envy. Lol
Beautiful pictures Dar. I envy your sunsets. It's been pretty cloudy here the last week or so and storms are moving in too.
Please feel free to tease us with your sunsets anytime.
I like the self portrait. We can tell you are grinning from ear to ear and enjoying Lucy.
Trobairitz - I was definitely grinning ear to ear. I am usually riding with that same cat swallowed the canary grin.
I love Lucy, but I think I am ready for more cc's already. The never ending quest. I don't think I will be posting any sunsets today, it is cloudier than heck here. I heard talk of the 'Snow' word. NOPE not even going to think that.
What !! more cc's already . . . that was fast. get ready to pack your bags, lots of rides planned for next year
Riding the Wet Coast
i just think I want more ccs, I haven't really even scratched the surface of Lucy's capabilities yet. Looking forward to warm weather rides.
I'm with Trobairiz in liking the self-portrait shot. I, also, like the flowers. They seem unexpected. I like that.
I know the flower thing was surprising, it was literally hanging on the side of the embankment by the ocean and it was cold. Lots of people have flowers left in their gardens here, we haven't had a cold frost here yet so things are still hanging on. I liked my photo of me too, it was a random thing, it's hard taking a self shot.
it's easy taking "self" shots, I have to show you how. Either that or I take your "self" shots for you
Riding the Wet Coast
I find the hardest part in self pictures is to know where to look. I end up with goofy shots because I am staring at the camera. I usually snap multiple pics because at some point I know I will capture the right pic where I am looking in the right direction.
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