2011 has been a momentous year for me. In January of this year I made a fateful decision to start riding a scooter without formal motorcycle training - which turned out to be a bad decision. I had a rather tumultuous start to my scooter journey with a crash on the test drive. (Believe it or not I actually got up off the pavement and finished the test ride) My biggest mistake was getting on the scooter without professional training and not telling my hub, who I affectionally call Motorcycle Man, that I had wiped out. I was pretending to myself that everything was 'fine', but in reality I wasn't fine. I have to say in my defense and shock filled state of mind, I was worried that Motorcycle Man wouldn't let me buy a scooter as a result. It seemed logical at the time.
I called Motorcycle Man at work 6 hours later to come and take me to the ER or clinic because I had hurt myself and was in shock and much to Motorcycle Daughter's utter fear I almost passed out on her several times and she was not very happy with me at all. It is amazing what happens to you several hours after an accident when the adrenalin finally dumps out of your system, you start shutting down from the shock which was worse because I ignored the symptoms. After being checked out and having one hell of a bruise on my thigh, needing some serious pain killers and help just being mobile, I survived. My entire right leg was purple from the crest my hip to down below my knee on the front and back. Luckily I hadn't broken anything, but it hurts like hell when you hit pavement. I could hardly walk and my leg is still suffering the ill effects of my first encounter of the scooter kind, some 11 months ago. I still don't know how I managed to talk Motorcycle Man into purchasing my beautiful sapphire blue 50cc Vino scoot two days later. I was in a rush to get out on the road on my scooter and can't help but think if I had done this properly with professional training I wouldn't have dumped the scooter in the first place. Hindsight is as they say 20/20. So if you are a little myopic, I will lend you my 20/20 hindsight vision and say "GO GET TRAINING"
After my initial rough beginnings I took to the scooter like a duck takes to water. I was in love with everything two wheeled. I thought I would be content with the 50cc's, but after a few scooter adventures out into the country side I knew I needed something bigger, my little scoot is great for in city commuting, but did not allow me to venture onto higher speed roads, which in hindsight is a good thing due to my lack of formal training. After several months of riding I wrote the motorcycle learner's license test and passed. That was September 1st, and it was the day my 2 wheeled life changed, I was elated. I can tell you from firsthand experience that there is a steep learning curve with scootering and motorcycling. Not being prepared for the 3,000 pounds of rolling car death coming your way is a big mistake, they win, you lose and this reality is what made me decide to get professionally trained.
As a fledgling motorcyclist I needed skills that would help me survive in the chaos of traffic and give me the street smarts to know what to do and act reflexively in traffic situations. One bad decision or misjudgement can cost you dearly and for that reason I signed up for a Novice motorcycle course and Traffic Safety course. I chose to do my training with Vancouver Island Safety Council (VISC). It has been the smartest thing I have done since getting on 2 wheels.
On Tuesday, October 18th, I took my ICBC road test and passed. I have had my license for a month! I have also learned that you have to recognize your skill level and ride within it. Over time and experience your skill set grows along with your confidence with continued training. Every time I encounter a situation in traffic I think about it and always wonder "Is there anything I could have done differently or better?" When you stop asking yourself that question it is time to hang up the bike keys, there is always room for improvement and learning.
I am committed to continuing the motorcycle learning process and today I attended a Winter/Wet Weather workshop put on by instructors of VISC. It was an informal workshop, but we covered everything from cold/wet weather gear to driving techniques. It was very informative and helped me think of my riding in these conditions differently and always keep safety first and foremost. We ended our workshop with a group ride and it was a cold and a brilliantly sunny winter day with the temp about 5 to 6 degrees celsius, it was cold, but amazing. I can't tell you how happy I am that I went with VISC, the instructors are professional and their commitment to teaching students safe motorcycling is their first priority. They answered the call of VISC alumni for this type of workshop and encourage us to continue learning and upgrading our skills.
The courses are comprehensive and give you the skills to be a proficient well trained motorcyclist. |
See the frost, it was that cold this morning! |
VISC Alumni after the classroom session, it was group ride time! |
I am in the pink Helmet and my fellow motorcyclist Debra |
If you are contemplating becoming a motorcyclist or scooterist, please value yourself enough to take professional training, it may just save your life or someone else's because 'you' won't put their lives at risk because of a bad driving decision you have made. If you have been riding for a long time, it might be time to consider brushing up your skills by taking an Experienced Rider's course, it is never too late to polish up or learn new skills!
For information on courses offered by Vancouver Island Safety Council visit their website www.visafetycouncil.com, email: visc@islandnet.com telephone: 250-478-9583