Wednesday, August 24, 2016

For the love of motorcycling

My progression of bikes

A recurring subject on this blog is the love of motorcycling, not just a particular brand, but all motorcycles, whether it be a huge land yacht cruiser, an adventure tour bike, retro bike, or scooter, if it has 2 wheels I love it. It is true what some say "4 wheels move the body, but 2wheels move this soul."  I am sure most riders know exactly what is meant by that statement and have had wonderful experiences that have changed them, clarified thoughts, sometimes ideas are born, and in general there is nothing like seeing life from the seat of a motorcycle.  

I will be the first to admit it's not all roses and sunshine,particularly in the beginning when the learning curve is high and mistakes can be costly.  I know first hand how things can go sideways, but it's what keeps it interesting, it's never dull on a bike! I spent a week of my vacation mentoring new novice riders, which is what I love doing. I love thrill I get when you see it click, as if the moto light has come on after a morning of me repeatedly hollering "Head & eyes up! Loll where you want to go! Don't the bike ride at idle, stay in the friction zone!" 

One of my students asked me this question on a very hot day 3 of novice class (low 90's and high humidity) "Wouldn't you rather be riding on a day like today?"  My response "No, the joy I get through seeing you become a rider is just about as good as riding a twisty road." They looked a little shocked, but that's because they aren't seeing the big picture like I am, a mere 2 days before, most had never ridden a bike, done up a helmet, or twisted a throttle, now they are accelerating, shifting, counter steering and riding, and riding their MST. WOW! That's a huge accomplishment.  So yup spending a few days of vacation mentoring new riders was time well spent, I know that these 8 riders have a good foundation of skills to build on.  Seeing the smiles as I gave them their grad card & helmet sticker is quite a moment for both of us.

I was getting ready to demonstrate the MST riding test. Boy was it hot! 


redlegsrides said...

The teaching of the joy of safe motorcycling.....good stuff.

Shybiker said...

I admire your teaching -- and spreading the joy.

Oz said...

Helping someone learn more and ride safer is fun and fulfilling. Thanks for teaching. The more educated on proper riding the safer they will be.

SonjaM said...

It was so awesome to watch you and your confidence and skill level grow on your path from noob to coach.

R E S P E C T, Dar.

Trobairitz said...

I think it is great that you still love motorcycling so much and love giving back while teaching.

While I still enjoy riding I just don't seem to feel the love I once did. Maybe a different bike will fix that......

Dar said...

Brandi - a different bike may just bring back thr zen. Its all about fit & comfort. My friend is struggling with a ctx 700 amd its forward peg position, its causing her grief. She bought it new last year. She is going to try a custom seat and go from there. It is all about fit.

Dar said...

Thanks Sonja!

Dar said...

When I atarted I wasn't sure I'd like it as much as I do. I just can't explain how much I enjoy it.

Dar said...

:) it is a joy and a little stressfulat times, but so worth it!