I know this is a poor quality picture, but I had to share because I was so excited when I was told about the nest. My neighbour is a hummingbird lover and has a website called Hummingbirds up close.com. He has been documenting our local hummingbirds. Anna's hummingbirds are indigenous to Vancouver Island and don't migrate over winter.
These little creatures are amazing, very curious, very tenacious and beautiful. Every time I go out in the yard you can here them trilling and the hum sound of their wings as they swoop around my yard. The nest is about as big as a Canadian tooney or a US silver dollar, teeny tiny little nests. The hummers use spiderweb silk to create the nest and the little bits of twigs to camouflage it. The eggs are as small as my pinky nail or beanie baby jelly bean. I think she has two eggs in the nest. I am hoping to catch a glimpse of her in the nest on a sunny day to capture a better picture to post. If you are having trouble she is right in the centre and is looking up.
Just to give you perspective on size of the nest it's the size of the toonie on the left on the right is a quarter.
The nest webcam is installed and should be up and running hummingbirds up close.com